
Showing posts from April, 2022

Oatmeal Treats!

For this cooking class in the last week of April, we made Oatmeal treats. First, we put four bananas in the bowl by cutting them up first by using the knife. Next, we put berries, three cups of oats and one teaspoon of vanilla extract.  Then, we used the spoon to stir it up until they got wet and put in the cupcake liners as they are being put in cupcake holders. At last, we put them in the oven for 15 minutes or more before we took them out by letting them cool down and giving them a taste. It was a great recipe!

Chicken Taquitos!

  For this cooking class, we made Chicken Taquitos. First, we grabbed a bowl to put three cups of shredded chicken, 1/4 cup of cream cheese, 1 tablespoon of sour cream, 1/2 of shredded cheese, one lime or lemon juiced, 1/4 cup of cilantro and 1/2 tsp of taco seasoning and stirred it up by using the spoon. Next, we grabbed some tortillas and put the stuff that was mixed, rolled them up and put them on the tray for the oven. At last, we put some olive oil on the taquitos by                                                                                      using a brush and put them in oven at 350.                                                   ...

Taco Bell Style Bean and Cheese Burritos!

  For today's cooking class at my program, I made Taco Bell Bean and Cheese Burritos. First, I put the beans in the bowl and put in a teaspoon of olive oil and stirred it up before putting in the microwave for 30 seconds twice. Next, I grabbed a spinach wrap tortilla and put on a piece of wax paper, put the beans on it, put some "Taco Bell" styled mild sauce and add some shredded cheese in it. At last, I put the burrito in the microwave in the for 30 seconds and then I made some more too.                                                                                     It was a great recipe.

Spring Pretzels!

For Tuesday's cooking class, we made Spring Pretzels.  First, we poured the white chocolate chips in the bowl, put them in the microwave for 30 to 40 minutes and stirred them in the bowl by using the spatula. Next, we grabbed the pretzels by dipping them in the white chocolate by using the spoon. At last, we put the sprinkles on them and put them on the piece of wax paper on the tray and then put them in the fridge for thirty minutes.                                                                                      After that, we took the tray out & they turned out                                                          ...