
Showing posts from August, 2023

Banana Splits!

  For Friday Night Out, we made banana splits, because this was our topic for tonight! First, we cut the banana in half and put is on a plate, next we scooped some ice cream on top of the banana that was cut in half, at last we put the toppings on it. So we enjoyed it and it was very tasty! For my ingredients, I had some bananas, chocolate syrup, caramel, pineapple toppings, and vanilla ice cream and cherries. The bananas were ripe enough when I made the banana splits and this was for a cooking class for Friday Night Out! I cannot wait to make it again!

Chocolate Mugcake

For this cooking class, we made mugcakes. First, we grabbed a mug and put 3 tablespoons of the cake batter in it. Next, we put two tablespoons of water in the mug and stirred them up together until we get all the mix. At last, we put it in the microwave for one minute and give it a chance to cool down. After letting it cool down, we put peanut butter and sprinkles on the mugcake and we took a bite out of it, it was good!