Cheesecake on Cupcake Holders!

For today's cooking class, we made cheesecake on cupcake holders, because this is for a cooking class. So we went to the store and bought the milk, vanilla wafers, and some cheesecake mix. Also, we had the tools such as, the mixer, the grater, the bowl, paper cupcake holders and the metal cupcake holders. First, we put one half of milk and the cheesecake mix in the bowl and mixed it together. Next, we put the vanilla wafers inside the paper cupcake holders and poured the cheesecake mix being mixed using the spoon. Then, we put them in the fridge for one hour. At last, we took them out and put the strawberry topping and the tiny pieces of lemon on it and took a bite out of it. This was the best cooking class ever. Also, this sweet is from Ancient Greece.